Tuesday, June 1, 2010


hari ni pun aku tulis lagi...
somehow i d feel my journey as student gonna be ended SOOn! but since banyak gila masalah timbul,semua nampak kabur ni for which i cant blame others walaupun others secara tak langsung tolong aku build up stressful level dalam diri.

dikala baru ingat nak cope ngan studies and do right things, having a thought that ppl will understand and try to comfort me is definitely and totally wrong, why??? cos they wont!

sebab semuanya nampak salah tu atas aku, so salah aku ke? ye salah aku, aku tengah tanggung la nih...tapi it doesnt mean that you can simply say anything....why? remember whatever mistakes that i had made , those mistake had caused me my precious 3 and haf years time ,im the one who work hard, harder, hardest to achieve on whatever i have today, so jgn judge la...

bcos whenver u judge , u has been encouraging me to build something up. So,from insecurity lead to frustration, and now come the word "depression" .

mmg blog ni aku buat untuk tulis and untuk baca sendiri dikala aku surrounded by negative enviroment. so selagi aku tak encounter benda ni, slgi ni lah aku mcm ni...
hanya kepercayaan kepada Tuhan saja lah yang memberikan aku kekuatan sampai saat ini,
semoga Allah melindungi nikmat ni sampai habis masa penghinaan ini, dan sampai habis hayat ini..Amin.