Saturday, October 2, 2010


hello people....
im with my sister... feel sooOOOOO boring til make me feel like writting about my important friends... i miss them so much...

murni nazihah and aina salleh: we have been together for quite long time...the ones that understand me better than my sister...(sorry sis) have the kindness , beauty, and a heart that is soo pure when its come to rescue your helpless friend like me... without you and aina , i dont even think i can even scored As in SPM...i love you girls...

haryani halim, wan zanariah, farhana fronco: Ya Allah rindu nya kat korang!!!!! rasa rindu , kenangan terlalu banyak dan sarat antara kita...rentak kita seirama ...langkah juga seiringan...antara kita, persahabatan adalah persefahaman yang di mana insan biasa tak akan faham...dalam apa jua keadaan , kita sentiasa and senantiasa bersama...ya, kita adalah kawan untuk bersuka ria, jugak kawan untuk berduka sengsara

semua jalan kita tempuhi bersama, sehingga sampai satu masa aku mengerti penangan cintanya seorang sahabat untuk sahabat nya yang lain...di kala aku kesusahan, kehilangan seseorang, kamu kamu la yang sentiasa berada untuk aku, walaupun tanpa sedar, tanpa penghargaan , bukan itu yang kalian harapkan dari aku,

yani : aku masih ingat di kala aku pengsan malam itu...terima kasih yani untuk sentiasa melihat dan menjaga aku.

nana: terima kasih kerana sanggup biar kaknis lencun kan seluar nana untuk bercerita tentang kemarahan, kebodohan dan kekalutan jiwa yang sedang melanda.

wan: terima kasih "for being positive", sentiasa segar mendengar...sentiasa berusaha memasak, menolong dan meneutralkan perasaan marah, benci, dendam kami bertiga .....hahaha...comel sungguh wan...

sungguh aku tak dapat tidur....

dyla n hanaaaa:::: babes, i love you girls so much...we are like completing each other so well, you cakap,i dengar, i cakap you ikut..hehe.... without you hanaa...i feel incomplete (in fact amir akan pelik asal aku rasa cmtu)..cos you are the one that can push me to work harder, in fact i got all those "post-mortem" broke up syndromes (jog and always jogs and etc etc) from you!!!! (thanks to you, i lose tonnes!!!)

as for you dyla, your softness is the best nature of are the ones who lighten up our spirits anytime anywhere needed!!! thank you so much ye....

The whole netball team 2010

you all are the best!!!! we are the best cos we won gold medal!...we are not just a team, we are formed to be together, to share everything, to be friends, to work as a family....!!!! thats why we won that title! we are not just players, we are friends, bound in a name of friendship, to help each other, no matter what it takes,friendship between us comes first.

hanim n minnie:::: korang memang da best, eventhough masa perkenalan tak lama,tapi kita mcm geng sudahhhh...hahahaha...happy sgt dapat jumpa korang...sangat bertuah ada kawan2 prihatin mcm minnie and hanim...tq korang =)

as for the others, you are my friends, id remember you guys, but this is like an appreciation that i do want to acknowledge them for what they have done for me.they are among my "big pictures inside my brain". i miss them as i miss you friends..out there...

1 comment:

  1. nis love u:) thnx sbb jd bestfriend aku..rasa happy sgt knal hg kt lgkw dulu ~MNMN~
